Now this, Is Planet Earth!


Guestbook Thingy! | Pix of John Taylor | Pix of Roger Taylor | Pix of Nick Rhodes | Pix of Simon LeBon | Pix of Andy Taylor | News | Links | John Taylor | Nick Rhodes | Pix of the band | Roger Taylor | Simon LeBon | Andy Taylor | Duran Duran Fan Fic | A lil' about me!


Well, the news is that the lovely, wonderfuly cute, band, Duran Duran, is getting back together for another tour and cd. And yes, the original "Fab Five", this would include...John Taylor, Nick Rhodes, Roger Taylor, Simon LeBon, and Andy Taylor. The original "Fab Five", the world is perfect yet again!We can all come out from hiding, because there is light, instead of darkness!lol I hope that it all goes well, and that I get to go to a concert!lol:) I love you guys, we all do, how could you not, and hope that it all goes along smoothly, and fullproof!Good luck to all five!!!And John, Happy late 41 birthday, you fine piece of meat you!!lol just kidding, but Happy Brithday anyways, you Cutie pie!:);)

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